Contact your Legislators

Help end mass incarceration in Colorado by contacting your legislators. Easy form emails and phone scripts are below!

Colorado State Reps & Gov. POlis

Aurora elected officials

Boulder Elected Officials



Call your Reps

You can find your state senator and representative at

Use this Script

Hello [Senator/Representative] (say their last name), my name is (your name) and I live in (your zip code) want to support SB21-62 because (state one reason). Please vote to end the broken system of mass incarceration and champion pretrial justice. Thank you!

Example Reasons

I believe arrests shouldn’t be our first response to homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness.

I want to end Colorado’s addiction to incarceration; our jail population has exploded 800% since the 1970’s. Locking more people up has not decreased crime, but it has increasingly harmed our most vulnerable communities.

Arrests for low-level offenses disproportionally affect Black people and people of color AND result in disproportionate conviction and incarceration. At its heart, SB21-062 is a racial justice bill aimed at righting some of the harms done to our communities of color by our system of mass incarceration.

60% of people in Colorado jails aren’t convicted of any crime — there only because they cannot afford bond.The cash bond system criminalizes poverty and further harms the poor by cutting them off from their families and their jobs.

The second leading cause in prison is suicide, and Colorado has a higher rate than most states. Too many Coloradans have died by suicide in jail because they cannot afford bond and this bill could have saved them.