Upcoming Town halls

We’re tracking key town halls, city council meetings, and other events where you can advocate for policy and programs to protect our neighbors from the harms of mass incarceration, racialized-policing, and cash bail. Nervous about what to say? Check out our guide below.

Have an event to add? DM us on twitter or email us.

Saturday, Feb 19 2022 | 10:30 am

Lindsey Daugherty (HD 29), Representative Brianna Titone (HD 27) and Senator Rachel Zenzinger (SD 19) *VIRTUAL* town hall meeting

We will continue discussing our legislative priorities for 2022. Please join us to ask your questions and share your feedback!


The latest from Bring Our Neighbors Home



We’re building a coalition.

We are stronger together. Let’s work together to protect our most vulnerable neighbors in Colorado from the harms of the criminal INjustice system.