2021 Legislation

SB21-071: Bring Our Kids Home

Protects Colorado’s most vulnerable by preventing incarceration of children jailed for low-level offenses, and ending cash bail for kids.

Status: Passed the House and Senate!

HB21-1280: 48 Hour Bond

Ensures prompt access to justice to protect legally innocent from languishing in Colorado’s jails.

Status: Passed the House and Senate!


SB21-062: Jail Depopulation

Safely reduces jail populations by limiting cash bail and pretrial detention over low-level offenses — punishments that disproportionally harm our most vulnerable neighbors.

Status: Killed in the Senate by Democrats.

SB21-273: Pre-trial Justice

Narrower bill than its pre-cursor, SB21-062, SB21-273 significantly reduces the harm of over-policing and racialized policing, and decreases the number of people jailed for poverty.

Status: Passed the House but Killed in committee by Democratic Representatives Matthew Gray and Shannon Bird


We’re building a coalition.

We are stronger together. Let’s work together to protect our most vulnerable neighbors in Colorado from the harms of the criminal INjustice system.