🎉 HB-1067 passed! 🎉


48 Hour Bond Hearings in Municipal Court

Basic due process for Colorado’s most vulnerable.

Overview Supporters Take Action!

Support for HB22-1067

HB22-1067 needs your organization’s support! Let us know if you support this bill.

HB22-1067 supporter logos

Colorado District Attorneys' Counsel, Colorado Attorney General, Harm Reduction Action Center, Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, Together Colorado, Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, Bring Our Neighbors Home, Colorado Freedom Fund, Sam Cary Bar Association, Colorado Center on Law and Policy, Covid 19 Eviction Defense Project, ACLU Colorado, Mental Health Center of Denver, Jeffco CAN, West Metro Resistance, Indivisible HD7, Indivisible Denver CD1, Arvadans for Progressive Action.

Sign on your organization in
support of HB22-1067!

Let us know your organization supports HB22-1067 and we’ll add your logo to the supporter’s list and give you a shout out on twitter. 📣

We’re building a coalition.

Let’s work together to protect our most vulnerable neighbors in Colorado from the harms of the criminal INjustice system.