Racialized policing is destroying Black and Brown lives in Colorado.
Every arrest is a flashpoint of harm for Black and Brown communities that are especially vulnerable to police violence and an unjust legal system.
Colorado is 5th in the nation for rate of police killings of Black people.
Michael Marshall, Marvin Booker, De’Von Bailey, Elijah McClain, Jeffrey Melvin Jr, Jaime Ceballos, and Jack Jacquez were all people of color killed in Colorado by law enforcement for alleged lower-level offenses or in a situation where no crime was alleged.
Police in Colorado kill Black and Brown people at up to quadruple the rate of white people.
From 2013-2020 police in Colorado killed Black people at 4 times the rate per population than white people.
From 2013-2020 police in Colorado killed Latinx people at 2 times the rate per population than white people.

Aurora is a center for racialized police violence in Colorado.
Aurora police use force against Black people at more than 3 times the rate of white people.
47% of those struck, tackled, pepper sprayed, tased or shot by Aurora Police in 2019 were Black, despite Black people making up only 16% of the population.
66% of cases where force was used by Aurora Police for people of color were for misdemeanor or petty offenses.
Racialized policing has led to 17% of presumptively innocent people in Colorado's jails being Black, while making up only 5% of the state's population.
Black Coloradans are arrested 8 times the rate of white people per population for lower-level offenses.
Between 2013 and 2019, Black Coloradans were arrested for drug possession 12 times the rate of white people per population.

We’re building a coalition.
We are stronger together. Let’s work together to protect our most vulnerable neighbors in Colorado from the harms of the criminal INjustice system.