CURRENT STATUS: SB21-062 is currently stalled in the Colorado Senate by Democratic leadership, even though it has the votes to pass Appropriations. Take Action

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Smart. safe. just.


SB21-062 will reduce instances of police violence and protect presumptively innocent people from the system of wealth-based pre-trial detention and bail that disproportionally harms people of color, and those struggling with mental illness, houselessness, and addiction.

It’s time to reverse the trend of exploding jail populations in Colorado

By minimizing arrests, limiting the use of cash bail and pretrial detention, we can reserve police resources for those who are a risk to others, and protect our most vulnerable communities from the harms of systemic racism in policing and our justice system.

Read why SB21-062 is right for Colorado:

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Colorado’s prison population has exploded since the 1970’s

Colorado’s jail population grown 800% since the 1970s. 60% of people in jail are unconvicted, and most are only jailed because they cannot afford to pay money bond. Failed broken windows policing and the War On Drugs have filled our jails with people accused of low-level crimes who pose no public safety risk.

Pre-trial detention harms our neighbors with disabilities.

Jails have become our first response to homelessness, substance abuse & mental illness. People in jail are 4 times more likely to have disabilities and more than half of people in jail have psychiatric disabilities. Nationwide, people with disabilities are 16x more likely to be killed by law enforcement. Learn more


Systemic racism in policing is killing our Black and Brown neighbors.

Colorado is 5th in the nation for rate of police killings of Black people. From 2013-2020 police in Colorado killed Black people at 4 times the rate per population than white people and killed Latinx people at 2 times the rate per population than white people. Black Coloradans are arrested 8 times the rate of white people per population for lower-level offenses. Learn more

Death by suicide in Colorado jails is increasing.

Colorado ranks 8th among states with the highest number of jail suicides, and suicide remains the number one cause of deaths in jails nationwide; 

About SB21-062

SB21-062 adopts a narrow set of COVID-19 jail population reduction policies aimed at keeping people accused of low level crimes out of jail while giving law enforcement officers a wide discretion to arrest and hold people who either pose a public safety threat or are at risk of continued criminal conduct.

Below is the bill including the Coalition Amendment added by Senate Sponsor Pete Lee on April 22nd, 2021

Read the Bill

Increases use of summons in lieu of arrest.

  • SB21-062 requires summons for low-level offenses, and increases summons for misdemeanors and low-level felonies.

  • For any victim offenses and low-level felonies, law enforcement retains discretion to arrest people who pose a safety threat or a risk of re-offense.

  • High-level felonies, statutory crimes of violence and domestic violence are all excluded from the summon provision.

Decreases use of cash bonds.

  • SB21-062 limits the use of money bonds to cases where there is a safety or a flight risk.

  • It does not apply to high-level felonies.

Empowers sheriffs to continue to safely manage county jail populations.

  • SB21-062 ensures Sheriffs can institute safe jail population reduction policies in their jail.

Support for SB21-062

SB21-062 has been through an intensive 8 month stakeholder process to gain the support of law enforcement, survivor groups, and community organizations for ensuring public safety.

Law Enforcement Support

Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser

“The situation we have today is we’re spending a lot of money keeping people in jail who have never been convicted of a crime. If you do it the right way, making sure people who are not a threat to public safety don’t stay in jail … it doesn’t harm public safety and it helps people with their lives. They don’t have to leave their kids, they don’t lose their job.”

District Attorney Beth McCann

District 2 (Denver) 

“This bill strikes a good balance between the need to take dangerous people into custody and put them in jail, versus the lower-level nonviolent offenders who do not need to take up the time and space of our sheriffs and jails. This will allow us to hold those people in jail who are likely to commit another crime such as those with firearms or people involved in domestic violence or involved in dangerous crimes.”

District Attorney Alexis King

District 1 (Jefferson & Gilpin County) 

“I support this bill because we can still argue for those high cash bonds for violent crimes and cases involving the Victims Right’s Act, including domestic violence and sexual assault. We have worked hard to protect our most vulnerable in negotiating this bill. We have a grave responsibility when we put people in custody. If we overincarcerate low-risk low-level folks, we are destabilizing them in the community.”

Sheriff Sean Smith

La Plata County

“When a pandemic demonstrates to us that we can empty out our facilities using responsible management techniques and I can’t demonstrate to you a corresponding increase of violent crime that is impacting the safety of my citizens, then why wouldn’t I want to codify that into law if I can? I do not find any correlation in the data that shows me that there was an increased risk to public safety because we were putting less people in custody.”

endorsed by

Black Democratic Legislative Caucus of Colorado

Colorado Democratic Latino Caucus

Survivors Groups in Support

Colorado Crime Survivors Network

There are no survivors groups that oppose this bill. Meet crime survivors who support SB21-062


Colorado Department of Public Safety

Law Enforcement Action Partnership


Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Colorado District Attorneys’ Council

Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance

Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center

Violence Free Colorado

Community Support

ACLU of Colorado

Allies to Abolitionists

Association for Community Living in Boulder & Broomfield Counties

Arapahoe Young Democrats

The Bell Policy Center

Black Lives Matter 5280

Black Sex Workers of Colorado

Boulder County Democratic Party

Boulder Progressives

Canna-Patient Resource Connection

Campaign Zero

Casa de Paz

Criminal Justice Reform

Coalition Disability Law


Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition

Colorado Criminal Defense Bar Colorado

Colorado Department of Public Safety

Colorado Eviction Defense Project

Colorado Freedom Fund

Colorado Immigrant Rights

Colorado Juvenile Defender Center

Colorado Office of Respondent Parents’ Counsel

Colorado Fort Collins Homeless Coalition

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights

Colorado Working Families Party

Democratic Socialists of America, Denver Chapter

Democratic Socialists of America, Fort Collins Chapter

Denver Justice Project

Family of Jackson Maes

Family of Jerid Thistle

Family of Michael Marshall

Family of Rev. Marvin Booker

Family of Suzanne Burgaz

Forever Indivisible

Harm Reduction Action Center

Healthier Colorado

Helping Hands for Dignity Coalition

Human Relation Commission

Highlands Law Firm

Indivisible Colorado District 7

Indivisible Front Range Resistance

Indivisible Highlands Ranch

Indivisible Centennial West

Indivisible Colorado

Interfaith Alliance of Colorado

JeffCo Colorado Action Network

Latino Coalition of Weld County

Lawyers Civil Rights Committee

Mental Health Colorado

Meyers Law Office

Mulligan Breit McConnell, LLC

National Homelessness Law Center

NAACP CO MT WY State Conference

NAACP Boulder County Branch

New Era CO

Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel

Office of the Aurora Public Defender

Office of the State Public Defender

Physicians for Criminal Justice Reform

Progress Now Colorado

Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center

Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network

Sam Cary Bar Association

SAFE: Safe Access for Everyone, Boulder

Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) Boulder 

Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) Denver 

Second Chance Center

The Arc Arapahoe & Douglas Counties

The Arc of Aurora The Arc of Colorado

The Arc Pikes Peak Region

The Bell Policy Center

The Marigold Project

West Metro Resistance

Women’s Lobby of Colorado

Yellow Scene Magazine

Young Invincibles



We are stronger together. Connect with us, and let’s work together to protect our most vulnerable neighbors in Colorado from the harms of over-policing, racialized policing, and incarceration.