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demand action NOW to end the harms of policing & mass incarceration in Colorado

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Mass incarceration & over-policing in Colorado are causing untold harm to our most vulnerable communities, and killing our neighbors.

6 in 10.png

6 out of 10 people held in Colorado jails are there pre-trial, presumed innocent, most locked up simply because they cannot pay money bond.


Police have killed 96 people since 2013 during incidents that began in response to an alleged low-level offense, traffic violation, mental health call or situation where no crime was alleged.

Yet Colorado Democrats are quietly breaking their promises.

In 2020, Colorado Democrats promised that passing SB217 was just the first step. But so far in 2021, they have killed SB21-182, a critical racial justice bill aimed at ending the school to prison pipeline. They also quietly let SB21-062 die in the Senate because leadership refuses to schedule it for a hearing, despite public outcry.

The legislative session ends June 12, 2021. Time is running out.


Contact by Email

Democratic leadership must hear that the community has a right to decide what “protect and serve” means, not police. Colorado ranks 6th in the U.S. for rate of police killings, and 5th in the rate of police killings of Black people. Over half of the people in Colorado jails are there simply because they are too poor to pay their money bond.

Let these political leaders know that caving to police opposition on SB21-062 is not what we voted them into office to do, and demand legislation be passed this session that addresses over-policing and systemic racism in our carceral system.

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Contact by Phone

Governor Polis (303) 866-2471

Senate President Garcia (303) 866-4878

Senate Majority Leader Fenberg (303) 866-4872

Speaker of the House Garnett (303)-866-2911

House Majority Leader Esgar (303)-866-2968

I am calling because in 2020, you promised SB217 was just the first step in addressing systemic racism and injustice but Colorado Democratic leaders have killed this year’s most important bills to address overpolicing and racialized policing: SB62 and SB182. 

Your community is demanding legislation THIS YEAR to change the culture of policing and incarceration that has permanently disabled Coloradans like Karen Garner and killed Elijah McClain, Reverend Marvin Booker,  Michael Marshall, Jerid Thistle, and so many others.

We expect you to pass SB62’s replacement, SB21-273, but that is the rock bottom of what is expected. We also expect that you pass two other bills this session: HB21-1280, requiring a bond hearing within 48 hours of arrest, and SB21-071 a bill to end wealth-based detention for children. 

We are paying attention to make sure that you uphold promises made to the community. We will remember your actions, or lack of action, at election time.



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