Post legislative session follow up: Town Halls

In the 2021 session, Colorado Democrats killed two crucial bills that would help end mass incarceration and wealth-based detention in Colorado. It’s time to let them know we expect them to protect our most vulnerable neighbors by supporting bills like SB21-273 next year.

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1. Find a Town Hall Near You

Check our events calendar for a town hall near you. If your location isn’t on there:

  • Go to   

  • Enter your address to find the name of your state senator or rep.

  • Once you have their name, go to their website or Facebook page, then to their event or calendar section and look for public meetings, which are often called “town halls” or “district meetings” .

  • When you find one, DM us on twitter or email us and we’ll add it to the site and tweet it out.

2. Ask your legislator to support bills like SB273 in the 2022 legislative session

  • Identify who you are. Identify as a constituent. You can also include identities like LGBTQ,  Black, parent, student, voter, social worker, survivor of crime etc. 

  • State your issue. Our issue is supporting bills like SB21-273, which was killed in committee by moderate house democrats despite having the votes to pass on the house floor. You can find talking points about why this bill was crucial here.

  • Explain why you care and/or how you are impacted. Share your personal story and/or any facts. 

  • Make the ask. Use a close-ended question to ask for your legislator’s commitment to support SB21-62.  Example: My name is Jane and I’m your constituent. I care about bills like SB21-273 because [STATE YOUR REASONS]. Will you commit to supporting bills like this next year?”

3. Let us know you’re attending

Let us know if you’re attending a town hall to ask your legislator if they’ll support bills to end cash bail and over-policing in Colorado. We’ll follow up with an email you asking how the town hall went and how your legislator responded so we can better focus our efforts.