Tell Mayor Coffman: NO ineffectual and cruel camping bans

To distract from his administration’s unwillingness to tackle the root causes of homelessness, provide adequate support or resources for people in extreme poverty, or create affordable and attainable low-income housing, Aurora Mayor Coffman wants to further demonize and criminalize our houseless neighbors by instituting a camping ban. Learn More

Here are two ways to stop him:

Comment at City Council

Email City Council


Comment at City Council

Monday, May 24th | 6:00 - 6:30 pm

Call 855.695.3475 and press *3 to speak with an operator.

The operator will screen callers for the portion of the agenda they want to speak on, and place calls in the queue. You will have 3 minutes to speak.

Sample Talking points:

  • Homelessness is caused by a lack of affordable housing, economic downturn, gentrification, and made worse by policies such as camping bans that criminalize the poor.

  • Criminalization of poverty disproportionately affects people of color, and has historically been used to encourage segregation.

  • Aurora Police already use force against Black people at 3x the rate of white people, and arrest Black people at 7x the rate. This camping ban will only deepen racialized policing in Aurora.

  • As seen with Denver’s camping bans, criminalizing camping only wastes local government resources and creates a harmful cycle that further destabilizes our most vulnerable neighbors.

  • $24.7 million federal dollars are coming into Colorado through HOME funds and should be used to find housing-first sustainable solutions, rather than spending taxpayer dollars on failed policy.


Email city council

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Harassing people living on the street only worsens their situation. Mayor Coffman’s proposed camping ban will only further destabilize the lives of Aurora’s houseless community. Denver instituted a camping ban in 2012 that has cost taxpayers millions dollars while failing to curb homelessness or halt tent cities from cropping up along sidewalks throughout the city. Camping bans are ineffective, expensive, and violate basic human rights. They create temporary “fixes” that appease business owners and residents in the short term, while worsening the problems of houselessness in the long term.

Further reading:

  • Aurora mayor’s latest political stunt. Read more

  • Coffman’s camping ban is an archaic directive to criminalize poverty Read more

  • Now ‘Hopeless Mike’ pitches a failed camping ban to scatter the tents of homeless people Read more

  • ‘We vote on policy, not you’ — Mayor Coffman gets pushback for tweeted urban camping ban proposal Read More

  • Don’t get hung up on the Denver camping ban. Let’s ask: Why are people homeless? Read more

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