Tweet at your legislators

Tweet at your legislators asking for their support for SB21-062. Check out some example tweets below and follow our campaign account for updates and action items!

Tweet Your legislator

  1. Find your legislator. You can look up your state senator and state representative here

  2. Find them on twitter. Go to twitter and search their name.

  3. Tweet them! Tweet directly at them by writing their twitter handle at the end of your tweet.

Example Tweets

I support SB62 bc (write one reason). Please vote to champion pretrial justice. Thank you! @(your senator’s twitter handle) ! @(your representative’s twitter handle) @PassSB21_062 

Colorado has an opportunity to save lives, save money, save families, save jobs and honor the promise of our Constitution, which guarantees a presumption of innocence and prohibits incarcerating people for poverty. Pass SB2162 & build a better Colorado! @(your senator’s twitter handle) @(your representative’s twitter handle)

SB2162 will help ensure Colorado’s jail population never returns to pre-pandemic numbers that needlessly and harmfully imprisoned tens of thousands of Coloradans every month, costing taxpayers millions and destroying families and livelihoods. Act now! @(your senator’s twitter handle) @(your representative’s twitter handle)

Before COVID,12,000 Coloradans spent each night behind bars, denied the ability to work, care for their kids & participate in our democracy. Communities were stripped of people who work, volunteer & pay taxes. We cannot return to this broken system! @(your senator’s twitter handle) @(your representative’s twitter handle)

Pretrial incarceration destroys families & communities. Such a brutal and costly response to crime should be the last option, with jail cells reserved solely for people who pose a real threat to public safety. We must bring our neighbors home. Pass SB2162! @(your senator’s twitter handle) @(your representative’s twitter handle)

Jails do not equal safety. Instead of protecting Coloradans, incarceration has become a first response to many of society’s complicated problems, including addiction, homelessness and mental illness. We must build a better Colorado. Pass SB2162! @(your senator’s twitter handle) @(your representative’s twitter handle)

In CO, we needlessly & harmfully imprison thousands of Coloradans who pose no safety risk. The tragedy of this pandemic is worsened if we fail to learn the lessons COVID has taught us about the harms of our broken carceral system. Pass SB2162! @(your senator’s twitter handle) @(your representative’s twitter handle)